Sunday, November 4, 2012

We've Moved!

We've moved! It's been a lot of work, but I've successfully moved us to a new website.  Mom & I will no longer be using this web address.  Please check us out at our new site.  Don't forget to "bookmark it" as one of your favorites.  You can also sign up for email updates whenever there's a new post.
Thanks! xoxo

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Movember!

Happy Movember...a month of growing MOustaches in noVEMBER.  Clever, huh?  HubbyK is growing a moustache this month for men's cancer awareness and this is his before picture, taken on November 1st.  Throughout the month, the men in HubbyK's office(s) will post their before picture alongside a more recent, moustached picture in the hopes of getting donations from patients.  I've heard some women claiming they are going to participate as well, so if you're looking for an excuse not to shave your legs (pant weather's not enough for you?!), go for it!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

16 weeks


Mom is 16 weeks and Baby is about the size of an avocado...a Florida or California one, though? Florida avocados are much bigger, but not nearly as good.  Even though Mom's from California, I bet the baby is Floridian.  Regardless, Baby is growing! He/she is a few inches long & weighs in at a few ounces, but is really going to do some growing in the next few weeks, doubling in size!  By the time Baby reveals its gender on November 30th at the 20-week ultrasound, Mom should be bigger too AND will most likely be sensing Baby's movements.  To let you in on a secret, I think Mom is trying to have really good posture in these pics and it's kind of hiding the little bump that she does have.  Check out the picture below; this is the result of chili for lunch, pizza for dinner and a lot of Halloween chocolate.  See the difference?! I have no idea which belly to's changing all the time!

Happy Halloween!

HubbyK got me this awesome shirt since he witnessed me pining over it for weeks, even crafting ways I could make it myself (haha).  I've always wanted to be pregnant at Halloween so that I could do something fun with my tummy, like paint it like a beach ball & dress in beach gear.  But alas, there is no real tummy yet and so this shirt was a great option to still incorporate Baby.  My students loved it!  I wish we had gotten a picture of me with HubbyK in his work scrubs.  We would have made the perfect pair, the X-rayer and the X-rayee!  We spent the evening handing out candy to the kiddoes.  These last two trick-or-treaters were from our final batch, who arrived via a tractor pull. So cool!  StevieDog got a lot of attention, especially from these dear little ones.  The girl kept stroking Stevie's nose and the little boy held out his hand nice & flat to receive kisses.  They ran down the driveway and I heard her say, "Mommy! I got puppy kisses!" Ah, be still my pregnant, emotional heart.  Earlier in the night, Cousin Sadie (and Uncle Bran-Bran) were visiting and so we got the dogs dolled up. My favorite is the lion mane, which belongs to Sadie. These dogs are such good sports & are going to make awesome baby buddies!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

15 weeks

Mom is 15 weeks! She's still not showing, but definitely has more of a belly after a big meal or by the time bedtime rolls around.  Baby is about the size of an orange - a few inches long & weighing in at a couple ounces.  He/she is supposedly starting to sense light & sound. Mom talks a lot, all day long so I am sure Baby is listening to her; I guess Daddy better start crouching down and saying some of his own hellos!  I don't ever make a peep, not a growl or a bark, so I'll have to find my own ways to bond with Baby.  Cuddles? 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's Official

Yesterday I told the administration & my students that I'm pregnant. I was so nervous that I was sick to my stomach & couldn't even eat breakfast. But of course it went well & everyone was super excited! My kids had a lot of sweet - and funny comments & questions. Some of my favorites: How are babies made? (Lol) How did you find out? Can we take a vote if it's a girl or boy? Promise to send us pictures of the baby! I already knew because my friend texted me last period! Will you still be at our graduation?...bring your baby. Now maybe you won't talk so much about your dog.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear Mom

Dear Mom/Noni Joani,
Thank you so much for coming all the way to Florida to be with me at our 14-week appointment. Up until this weekend, I'd been too afraid to embrace pregnancy. Leave it to a mom/grandma to change all that. I appreciate your gifts, from the little monkey outfit & teddy bear from my own childhood to the new blouse & dress. Most of all I am thankful for your company & support as I sifted through hundreds of maternity clothes...and sharing ice cream while we watched TV.
I know my patience sucks & I'm sorry for that. At 33, I'm a stubborn 'ol lady already stuck in my ways. It's hard for me to answer questions & accept suggestions when I already have my own ideas - or when I'm just not there yet. The thing is, I know everything you say & do comes from the best possible place, a mom's heart. One day soon I'll understand and you can say, "See I told you so!" xoxo

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy birthday, girl!

Friday was Stevie Wonder Dog's 3rd birthday. We wanted to celebrate our traditional way with a visit to the hot dog shop. However, she insisted it was her 21st birthday (dog years & all) so we let her celebrate her way! (Don't worry, it's just water!)

lub dub lub dub

We had our 14-week check-up yesterday and all was well with Baby.  It took the nurse practitioner a couple minutes to find Baby's heartbeat with the doppler (that thing seems so old-fashioned, by the way) and I was getting nervous.  I just stared at Kris while the nurse probed around and he said I was starting to tear up. I was seriously concentrating so hard, trying to will that little "guy" to do something so she could find "him."  She joked that it probably was a boy because he was being difficult & disobedient.  Finally (it felt like an hour), Baby stirred and we got to hear a nice strong "lub dub lub dub lub dub."  Phew!! Also, we got all my blood work back and I am A+...literally, that is my blood type. But I was also A+ in the sense that I am disease free, although no worries, that was not a shock :) We scheduled our 18-week check-up and our 20-week ultrasound, when we'll find out if Baby is a boy or a girl.  November 30th, in case you want to mark your calendars.  If I could figure out how to enable the comments on this page (sorry, Nana, I'm trying!), I'd open up a vote. With our successful doctor's visit and the fact my stomach is starting to pop a bit (I think it was trying on all of those stretchy clothes on Thursday), it's time to accept that yes, I am pregnant and yes, it's time to tell more friends & family, as well as the administration at school and my students. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Christmas in October

Holy cow, I am so lucky!  It's like Christmas in October! I received hand-me-down maternity clothes from Austin Anne & San Fran Anne (both college friends) and Jen (a teaching friend here in FL)...look how many things! My mom's in town, so we sorted through all of it this morning.  We ended up with 5 loads of laundry and a bag for Goodwill.  The pile on the couch was the entire "keep" pile pre-wash and the clothes hanging are all the blouses & dresses.  I boxed  up a bunch of my pre-pregnancy clothes (blouses that now won't button or too-tight yoga pants) and made room for all of my new items, like t-shirts and pants.  I made a very small list of a few staples I still need, but really, it's just like 3 or 4 things.  I feel so grateful that my friends were kind enough to pass on their clothes! Up next...what baby items do they want to get rid of? ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

14 weeks

Mom didn't want me to post these pictures this week! She says she looks too chubby.  Um, mom, you're pregnant! Get over it!  She's 14 weeks and Baby is the size of a lemon, or as I like to say - a tennis ball. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tossing & Turning in Month 4

Hubby K, StevieDog & I went on a long walk on Sunday evening, to what we like to call "the little park."  Next door is the big park with running trails, the dog park, a big lake, archery areas & frisbee golf.  The little park hosts a small lake, a bike/walking trail and lots and lots of grass for Stevie to play on.  As you can see in the picture, we've reached 4 months!  To me, it's a really weird in-between time.  Of course, I didn't even know I was pregnant in month 1, month 2 was full of excitement & newness and then month 3 was kind of...anticlimactic.  We got to see Baby at week 10 and that was a thrill that we got to share with immediate family & our closest friends, but other than that it's been same 'ol, same 'ol around here for the last 4 weeks.  I still haven't spread the news at work except to my lunch buddies and I have felt relatively normal. Um, so what's she complaining about, right?! I just can't rest easy.  Does every expecting mom feel this way or is it because I've gone through a miscarriage?  Because no matter how hungry I am, how much my breasts grow, how exhausted I am by at 8pm, or how much I cry at movie previews, I just can't totally accept that I am pregnant.  I thought my 1st ultrasound would calm my nerves, and then the second; I figured the second trimester would bring me confidence, yet here I am fretting over "what could be."  Last week my dear friend, who was just 2 weeks behind me in her pregnancy, discovered she has a blighted ovum...all the preparations for a baby including the necessary hormones & "structures" but no actual baby.  My heart breaks for her and I think about her & her hubby (and dog!) all the time.  And I can't help but selfishly add her grief to my current fears.  It's a good thing Friday brings our 14-week appointment.  When we hear baby's heartbeat this far into things, will I finally be able to relax, accept my pregnancy, tell work (& my students!) and start planning? I hope so. I am sure glad my mom, California Grandma, soon to be known as "Nonna" will be visiting.  She gets into town tomorrow night and I am playing hooky for two days so we can get our nails done, go shopping, see a movie...all the things we miss living 3000 miles apart!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

13 weeks

Mom is 13 weeks - Baby is the size of a peach.  Not much is changing around here, except Mom actually feels great & even has enough energy to take me on long walks every afternoon.  Oh, and she has a sweet tooth that never existed before.  Dad doesn't seem to mind & even brought home Drumsticks for her.  As for me, I've lost a few pounds.  Love those green beans and my walks with Mom.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Belly Band

HubbyK said, "You know it's too soon to be starting this stuff, right?" At 12 weeks & 3 days, yes, I know. But who cares? I could rock one of these things all year long. Gosh, it feels gooood to be able to breathe in a pair of jeans. Who needs a button...or a zipper?!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

12 Weeks

Mom's 12 weeks today, which means she's ending her 1st trimester!  That also means it's time to start the belly pics.  Baby is about the size of a large plum right now, approximately 2 inches long & weighing in at just half an ounce. That's pretty small. Mom keeps justifying any weight gain by blaming something called her uterus, which has apparently grown to the size of a grapefruit.  As Mom (& her baby and uterus) grow, I plan on shrinking. I started a new meal plan last week that includes more green beans & less kibble at dinnertime. Delicious & nutritious! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sharing the news

Sharing the news with family & close friends has been a lot of fun...and sometimes awkward, which is my fault because I try to be too clever about it!  The 1st person we told was HubbyK's little brother.  (It turns out HubbyK had actually texted him "Come over tonight!" The exclamation point cracks me up.  My husband can not keep a secret.) I had a grand plan that I was going to record everyone's reactions & create a video montage.  So, I pretended to be recording StevieDog & then turned the camera on Little Brother announcing, "StevieDog's going to be a big sister."  Little Brother's reaction was total confusion followed by mild interest and so, I scrapped the video idea.  A couple days later at school I confessed to a (very) pregnant friend that I drove away from Dunkin' Donuts without my coffee because of pregnancy brain.  She was so excited! At lunch, she was talking about maternity clothes and I very awkwardly interrupted, "Um, looks like I'm going to need fall maternity clothes." It took a second and then there were screams that were probably heard around campus.  We told my in-laws at dinner.  They opened up a gift bag with onesies that read "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's" and "Grandpa's Little Helper."  They were really surprised and happy; there was clapping and tears.  We told my parents over facetime by zooming in on some presents I told them we hadn't sent yet but wanted to make sure they liked first.  There was a "countdown to grandma" and a "grandpa & me" frame.  It took a second & then the recognition was amazing.  I think they both continued to say "Thank you! Thank you!"  I also facetimed with my sister and asked, "What are you doing next April?" She laughed and asked if we were planning a cruise. Nope, having a baby!  We told my dad & stepmom the old-fashioned way, "You're going to be grandparents" but sent a picture with an ultrasound in a magnetic frame, in case they want it on their fridge ;)  I emailed a couple friends the picture of StevieDog announcing that she was becoming a big sister.  I coyly mentioned to a few others that I'd be gaining weight soon or that their children would soon have a little friend to visit in Florida.  We skyped with HubbyK's grandma and great grandma (102!) and shared the ultrasound with them and then called his other grandparents & spread more joy.  I called my aunt & grandma, texted my cousin and just continued to share our happy news!  I am glad I still have more people to tell, like friends back home, my students and colleagues; this is fun! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby #1?

Mom & I had a quiet moment outside this morning while Dad slept in a little bit. We cuddled, watched the morning clouds & listened to the other neighborhood dogs waking up.  Later, when Dad & Cousin Sadie were awake too, we went and played at the dog park for a couple hours.  Mom was funny & told total strangers that she was pregnant.  They were really happy for her. Dog park people are just like that - super nice.  I know that I'm my mom's baby but lately she's been calling me "Princess Baby #1" like she's trying to reassure me.  Should I be nervous?  Will this Baby #2 try to replace me?  Will Baby #2 take away from my quiet moments with Mom or from my adventures at the dog park?  I hope we can be friends & share my mom's love...and her cuddles.  Her cuddles are really good. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Proud Papa

I love HubbyK and got to see the most dear side of him today.  After an in-depth interview about our family history and a stack of paperwork, we headed to the ultrasound room.  I was anxious, both looking forward to it and super nervous! The tech poured the jelly on my tummy and started moving the wand around...and instead of looking at the screen, I watched my husband. You know how at a wedding, people love to watch the groom's reaction instead of the bride walking down the aisle? That's how I felt, like I was watching the proud groom.  HubbyK was beaming with a smile from ear to ear & then I knew I could look at the screen.  And there it was!  A kumquat, or a teddy bear, as the tech called "it," with a fluttering heart, beating a strong 175 beats per minute.  HubbyK smiled and I teared.  How amazing to hear those sounds of life, beating inside of me!  She said everything looked good and measured the baby at 10 weeks, 2 days.  What a relief.  What a joy. What a blessing.  So,with a bag full of pamphlets, more paperwork and some baby magazines, we headed off to Sam's Club for soft pretzels and pizza. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Making myself laugh

This is my awesome Sunday morning invention.  Our house is in desperate need of cleaning & so I came up with this brilliant device so that I wouldn't have to inhale the cleaning supplies. I hadn't made it beyond the bathroom sink when HubbyK walked in and "caught me."  He laughed, shook his head at my craziness and told me he'd finish the job.  God bless him.  This is actually our normal deal; he always scrubs the shower.  It's one of my most hated things in all the world and he knows that so he does it when he comes in from mowing the yard.  He doesn't mind cleaning while he's already in the shower.  So, I left my invention behind and moved on to dust & vacuum.  Shortly followed by a nap, of course. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Have a heart

HubbyK and I participated in a 4-mile American Cancer Society Heart walk this morning.  I've been feeling well the last few days & being outside exercising felt really good. I'm rocking my #3 because I am 9 weeks & officially in my 3rd month of pregnancy. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Bahamas, Baby

Our weekend away in the Bahamas was great except night #1, when I got sick...super sick.  Blech.  But by Saturday morning, I was feeling great & we spent the day at Cabbage Beach in Nassau.  We read, napped and did a lot of people-watching.  We also explored Atlantis a bit and saw sharks, saw fish, sting rays and other cool fish in the amazing outdoor aquariums.  Surprisingly, we stayed awake past midnight...I was highly motivated by the 11:30 sail away buffet which included fried chicken.  Sunday was even better, spent at Royal Caribbean's private island, Coco Cay.  We went on a long walk in the crystal clear water - HubbyK saw a little shark - and we were still brave  enough to go swimming too. Then, like the day before, we rested on chaise lounges under a nice big umbrella.  The trip was super relaxing and a terrific way to say goodbye to Month 2 and hello to Month 3! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Motion Sickness

HubbyK and I are heading out on a 3-day cruise to the Bahamas! Of course I am excited about the food. Oh, and spending time with HubbyK. But I am nervous about my motion sickness...I've been known to barf before we've even left the port. So normally I'm totally dependent on Bonine or Dramamine but the doc said I should avoid those meds. So, here's my survival kit: Emetrol nausea medication, ginger candy & gum, peppermint mints & gum, granola bars & designer sea bands. Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

On the topic of food...

While we're on the subject of food, let me tell you about these Monster Pops (Paletas Mostros) budget popsicles! I told HubbyK about Big Stick popsicles and how they totally remind me of Tom Sawyer summer camp.  I haven't had once since elementary school. So, we went on a mission looking for them.  (He wanted to find Choco-Tacos, which he did.)   We found these knock-offs Big Sticks at WalMart and let me tell you, they are AWESOME!!! Yesterday, I got home from school, kicked off my shoes and went outside. I sat in my adirondack chair, petting StevieDog with my bare toes, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying every lick (bite!) of my popsicle. 


I just left my college friend a 5 minute voicemail - that's our norm.  But this time, I think 3 of the 5 minutes was spent describing the breakfast pita sitting in my passenger seat waiting to be eaten.  I listed: egg, bacon, cheese, onions & peppers, hash browns, and guacamole.  I told her how badly I wanted to eat it but had to wait until I got home, how the ride home was 10 more minutes plus the extra minute to let the dog out to pee.  I was in total agony and so appreciative that I got to leave a voicemail venting to her.  As soon as I let StevieDog out to pee, I ripped that bad boy open and went to town.  After a few days of nothing sounding good, now I want everything and I want it now.  I normally don't like sweets but yesterday, I devoured a dark chocolate peanut butter ball and man, oh man, I loved it.  Last night, I couldn't even wait for my pasta; I ate handfuls of grapes while I watched the water boil. This morning, I ate a granola bar while I put on make-up. There's an Oreo Sonic Blast waiting for me in the freezer - from this weekend when nothing sounded good - and I am sure I'll eat it before heading off to Open House in an hour.  I am already thinking about the nonfat pumpkin latte I should get tomorrow morning...or should I get tonight to help get me through the parents' questions?!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Yep, Still Pregnant!

How many pregnancy tests can one girl take?  Well, you know about the 1st one.  That same day, HubbyK and I met for lunch.  Still in disbelief, he ran into the Dollar Tree next door, bought a cheapie test ($1, obviously!) and I took it in the public restroom.  Wrapped in a paper towel, we opened up the test once we were back in the car and of course, still pregnant! The following week, I got to see Baby on the ultrasound but then another week went by and I needed to make sure.  Is it still there?  I read about a trick online - you can use ovulation tests to test for pregnancy and I have a box left of those...So, week 7 I took another one.  And week 8, yet another one.  I have two more weeks until I get to see Baby again so don't judge if I just keep testing! It makes me feel better :)  I mean, look at that happy face; it's so reassuring and much cuter than the scientific lines in the 1st two tests.  Did you notice my preggo pimples in the last picture?  You think those, my strange appetite and my bloated belly would be enough to convince me, but nope...I love that smiley face! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hey, expecting big sisters have cravings too. Mmmm, peanut butter.


After 3 full & 5 half marathons, believe me when I tell you that I'm no stranger to carb-loading. But seriously, this is taking it to a whole new level.  To ward off nausea, I have to eat every couple hours.  This is the current stash in my classroom's desk drawer.  I told HubbyK that pregnancy timing is pretty whack. When you're feeling nasty and just want to whine & complain - or at least sit down in the middle of class - you can't because you're still keeping the pregnancy a secret. Then, when you've shared the good news and actually look pregnant, that's supposedly when you're actually feeling good. What the heck?!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Staying Active

So, I have to admit, I'm totally terrified of exercising.  I know it's good for me but a) I feel like this pregnancy is super sensitive and I want to do everything I can to protect it and b) I am flipping exhausted.  As each day goes by and especially after my next appointment, I think I'll feel a lot better being active.  I'm setting a goal of doing fun, active things throughout my pregnancy.  I'll post the pics so that you can hold me accountable.  Up first, hitting golf balls during Month 1.