Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear Mom

Dear Mom/Noni Joani,
Thank you so much for coming all the way to Florida to be with me at our 14-week appointment. Up until this weekend, I'd been too afraid to embrace pregnancy. Leave it to a mom/grandma to change all that. I appreciate your gifts, from the little monkey outfit & teddy bear from my own childhood to the new blouse & dress. Most of all I am thankful for your company & support as I sifted through hundreds of maternity clothes...and sharing ice cream while we watched TV.
I know my patience sucks & I'm sorry for that. At 33, I'm a stubborn 'ol lady already stuck in my ways. It's hard for me to answer questions & accept suggestions when I already have my own ideas - or when I'm just not there yet. The thing is, I know everything you say & do comes from the best possible place, a mom's heart. One day soon I'll understand and you can say, "See I told you so!" xoxo

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