Saturday, October 20, 2012

lub dub lub dub

We had our 14-week check-up yesterday and all was well with Baby.  It took the nurse practitioner a couple minutes to find Baby's heartbeat with the doppler (that thing seems so old-fashioned, by the way) and I was getting nervous.  I just stared at Kris while the nurse probed around and he said I was starting to tear up. I was seriously concentrating so hard, trying to will that little "guy" to do something so she could find "him."  She joked that it probably was a boy because he was being difficult & disobedient.  Finally (it felt like an hour), Baby stirred and we got to hear a nice strong "lub dub lub dub lub dub."  Phew!! Also, we got all my blood work back and I am A+...literally, that is my blood type. But I was also A+ in the sense that I am disease free, although no worries, that was not a shock :) We scheduled our 18-week check-up and our 20-week ultrasound, when we'll find out if Baby is a boy or a girl.  November 30th, in case you want to mark your calendars.  If I could figure out how to enable the comments on this page (sorry, Nana, I'm trying!), I'd open up a vote. With our successful doctor's visit and the fact my stomach is starting to pop a bit (I think it was trying on all of those stretchy clothes on Thursday), it's time to accept that yes, I am pregnant and yes, it's time to tell more friends & family, as well as the administration at school and my students. 

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