Thursday, September 20, 2012

Proud Papa

I love HubbyK and got to see the most dear side of him today.  After an in-depth interview about our family history and a stack of paperwork, we headed to the ultrasound room.  I was anxious, both looking forward to it and super nervous! The tech poured the jelly on my tummy and started moving the wand around...and instead of looking at the screen, I watched my husband. You know how at a wedding, people love to watch the groom's reaction instead of the bride walking down the aisle? That's how I felt, like I was watching the proud groom.  HubbyK was beaming with a smile from ear to ear & then I knew I could look at the screen.  And there it was!  A kumquat, or a teddy bear, as the tech called "it," with a fluttering heart, beating a strong 175 beats per minute.  HubbyK smiled and I teared.  How amazing to hear those sounds of life, beating inside of me!  She said everything looked good and measured the baby at 10 weeks, 2 days.  What a relief.  What a joy. What a blessing.  So,with a bag full of pamphlets, more paperwork and some baby magazines, we headed off to Sam's Club for soft pretzels and pizza. 

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