Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Yep, Still Pregnant!

How many pregnancy tests can one girl take?  Well, you know about the 1st one.  That same day, HubbyK and I met for lunch.  Still in disbelief, he ran into the Dollar Tree next door, bought a cheapie test ($1, obviously!) and I took it in the public restroom.  Wrapped in a paper towel, we opened up the test once we were back in the car and of course, still pregnant! The following week, I got to see Baby on the ultrasound but then another week went by and I needed to make sure.  Is it still there?  I read about a trick online - you can use ovulation tests to test for pregnancy and I have a box left of those...So, week 7 I took another one.  And week 8, yet another one.  I have two more weeks until I get to see Baby again so don't judge if I just keep testing! It makes me feel better :)  I mean, look at that happy face; it's so reassuring and much cuter than the scientific lines in the 1st two tests.  Did you notice my preggo pimples in the last picture?  You think those, my strange appetite and my bloated belly would be enough to convince me, but nope...I love that smiley face! 

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