Thursday, September 6, 2012


I just left my college friend a 5 minute voicemail - that's our norm.  But this time, I think 3 of the 5 minutes was spent describing the breakfast pita sitting in my passenger seat waiting to be eaten.  I listed: egg, bacon, cheese, onions & peppers, hash browns, and guacamole.  I told her how badly I wanted to eat it but had to wait until I got home, how the ride home was 10 more minutes plus the extra minute to let the dog out to pee.  I was in total agony and so appreciative that I got to leave a voicemail venting to her.  As soon as I let StevieDog out to pee, I ripped that bad boy open and went to town.  After a few days of nothing sounding good, now I want everything and I want it now.  I normally don't like sweets but yesterday, I devoured a dark chocolate peanut butter ball and man, oh man, I loved it.  Last night, I couldn't even wait for my pasta; I ate handfuls of grapes while I watched the water boil. This morning, I ate a granola bar while I put on make-up. There's an Oreo Sonic Blast waiting for me in the freezer - from this weekend when nothing sounded good - and I am sure I'll eat it before heading off to Open House in an hour.  I am already thinking about the nonfat pumpkin latte I should get tomorrow morning...or should I get tonight to help get me through the parents' questions?!

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