Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

HubbyK got me this awesome shirt since he witnessed me pining over it for weeks, even crafting ways I could make it myself (haha).  I've always wanted to be pregnant at Halloween so that I could do something fun with my tummy, like paint it like a beach ball & dress in beach gear.  But alas, there is no real tummy yet and so this shirt was a great option to still incorporate Baby.  My students loved it!  I wish we had gotten a picture of me with HubbyK in his work scrubs.  We would have made the perfect pair, the X-rayer and the X-rayee!  We spent the evening handing out candy to the kiddoes.  These last two trick-or-treaters were from our final batch, who arrived via a tractor pull. So cool!  StevieDog got a lot of attention, especially from these dear little ones.  The girl kept stroking Stevie's nose and the little boy held out his hand nice & flat to receive kisses.  They ran down the driveway and I heard her say, "Mommy! I got puppy kisses!" Ah, be still my pregnant, emotional heart.  Earlier in the night, Cousin Sadie (and Uncle Bran-Bran) were visiting and so we got the dogs dolled up. My favorite is the lion mane, which belongs to Sadie. These dogs are such good sports & are going to make awesome baby buddies!!

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