Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby #1?

Mom & I had a quiet moment outside this morning while Dad slept in a little bit. We cuddled, watched the morning clouds & listened to the other neighborhood dogs waking up.  Later, when Dad & Cousin Sadie were awake too, we went and played at the dog park for a couple hours.  Mom was funny & told total strangers that she was pregnant.  They were really happy for her. Dog park people are just like that - super nice.  I know that I'm my mom's baby but lately she's been calling me "Princess Baby #1" like she's trying to reassure me.  Should I be nervous?  Will this Baby #2 try to replace me?  Will Baby #2 take away from my quiet moments with Mom or from my adventures at the dog park?  I hope we can be friends & share my mom's love...and her cuddles.  Her cuddles are really good. 

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