Wednesday, October 31, 2012

16 weeks


Mom is 16 weeks and Baby is about the size of an avocado...a Florida or California one, though? Florida avocados are much bigger, but not nearly as good.  Even though Mom's from California, I bet the baby is Floridian.  Regardless, Baby is growing! He/she is a few inches long & weighs in at a few ounces, but is really going to do some growing in the next few weeks, doubling in size!  By the time Baby reveals its gender on November 30th at the 20-week ultrasound, Mom should be bigger too AND will most likely be sensing Baby's movements.  To let you in on a secret, I think Mom is trying to have really good posture in these pics and it's kind of hiding the little bump that she does have.  Check out the picture below; this is the result of chili for lunch, pizza for dinner and a lot of Halloween chocolate.  See the difference?! I have no idea which belly to's changing all the time!

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