Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sharing the news

Sharing the news with family & close friends has been a lot of fun...and sometimes awkward, which is my fault because I try to be too clever about it!  The 1st person we told was HubbyK's little brother.  (It turns out HubbyK had actually texted him "Come over tonight!" The exclamation point cracks me up.  My husband can not keep a secret.) I had a grand plan that I was going to record everyone's reactions & create a video montage.  So, I pretended to be recording StevieDog & then turned the camera on Little Brother announcing, "StevieDog's going to be a big sister."  Little Brother's reaction was total confusion followed by mild interest and so, I scrapped the video idea.  A couple days later at school I confessed to a (very) pregnant friend that I drove away from Dunkin' Donuts without my coffee because of pregnancy brain.  She was so excited! At lunch, she was talking about maternity clothes and I very awkwardly interrupted, "Um, looks like I'm going to need fall maternity clothes." It took a second and then there were screams that were probably heard around campus.  We told my in-laws at dinner.  They opened up a gift bag with onesies that read "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's" and "Grandpa's Little Helper."  They were really surprised and happy; there was clapping and tears.  We told my parents over facetime by zooming in on some presents I told them we hadn't sent yet but wanted to make sure they liked first.  There was a "countdown to grandma" and a "grandpa & me" frame.  It took a second & then the recognition was amazing.  I think they both continued to say "Thank you! Thank you!"  I also facetimed with my sister and asked, "What are you doing next April?" She laughed and asked if we were planning a cruise. Nope, having a baby!  We told my dad & stepmom the old-fashioned way, "You're going to be grandparents" but sent a picture with an ultrasound in a magnetic frame, in case they want it on their fridge ;)  I emailed a couple friends the picture of StevieDog announcing that she was becoming a big sister.  I coyly mentioned to a few others that I'd be gaining weight soon or that their children would soon have a little friend to visit in Florida.  We skyped with HubbyK's grandma and great grandma (102!) and shared the ultrasound with them and then called his other grandparents & spread more joy.  I called my aunt & grandma, texted my cousin and just continued to share our happy news!  I am glad I still have more people to tell, like friends back home, my students and colleagues; this is fun! 

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