Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Big Fat Positive! (BFP!)

8/15/12 @ 6am: After a miscarriage followed by nearly a year of unsuccessful pregnancy tests, this bfp! was actually a surprise. Over the summer I got the rotten news that I hadn't ovulated & had an ovarian cyst (for that month, anyway) and I was going to have to make the decision of possibly going on birth control in order to control the cyst so that I'd later be able to start infertility meds. It didn't feel right and I opted to try acupuncture instead. At my second appointment, the acupuncturist suggested that I may already be pregnant...wait, my breasts were kinda sore and I was waking up to pee a, the next morning, I crawled out of bed to test. And there it was...a bfp! that was totally unexpected. I whispered to Hubby, "Are you awake enough to understand me? You're going to be a daddy." His groggy response - "I don't understand." But he woke up and we walked the dog, totally in awe. And then I made him take this picture. Tired, shocked and totally happy.

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